Wednesday, February 21, 2007

MISCEGENATION - that's the name of the game, and each generation, they're less of the same (apologies to Bobby Darin)

It's difficult to ignore an interesting phenomenon arising in Sydney where ghettos spill over onto areas still predominately white (yes, a few survive). It's the burgeoning number of mixed race couples with the results of their coupling in tow. I for one can seldom resist the urge to satisfy my curiosity with a quick check of just how the result panned out, which genes ended up where and in what proportions. It's a type of morbid fascination usually engendered by nature being a little out of kilter.

Why have so many people decided to over-ride the instincts developed over eons of time and marry or cohabit cross-racially? Currently, the most conducive reason is the same as the one motivating so many men to now wear the type of garb that was once the sole province of circus clowns - pants that aren't quite shorts, and shorts that aren't quite pants. In a word, as pitiable as this is when considering the mixing together of the fluffy inconsequential and the most deadly of consequences, it is fashion. It has become cool. And why would that be? It's probably for the same reason that clothing fashion does not spontaneously materialise; they are orchestrated by the so called trend setters who are invariably clothing producers. The trend setters in the racial fashion houses are those engines of society - the media, the schools and universities, governments and bureaucracies - whose power has been harnessed by ideologues relentlessly pursuing a world-view based on a scientifically as well as self-evidently false premise - that race is either merely skin deep or a social 'construct' - to its logical conclusion.

This artificially created Zeitgeist however merely accelerates a process that would have taken place anyway due to the necessary conditions already being created courtesy of a thirty year old official policy of race-mixing. Needless to say, there was little miscegenation in Australia when it was basically racially homogeneous. Given the nature of the male human sex urge, race tends to be a far less important consideration than sexual attractiveness which, much in tune with the law of supply and demand, waxes and wanes according to availability.

So with the raw material of race mixing provided courtesy of a 'non-discriminatory' immigration policy rigged in favour of coloureds and unashamedly against those who would blend in unobtrusively and almost unnoticed, 'nature' more or less takes over, given that truly natural tendencies to mate within one's own race have been largely over-rode by the aforementioned system of propagandising - some would call it brainwashing.

That the primal instincts in regard to loyalty to the tribe seem to survive in proportion to unfortunate circumstances or the degree of freedom from neurosis requires some investigation. It is received wisdom that woman marry up and men marry down, more so now that the so called 'bourgeoisification' of sociey has, if not actually propelling members of the working class upwards, at least infects them with the middle class aspirations and obsession with status constantly being role-modelled on television. This peculiar phenomenon does not mean that the working class is disappearing; just that the subculture that sustained it is. But where does that leave the male inhabiting the ground floor of society, if not the basement. His female equivalent is reaching upwards and there is no-one below.

Enter the submissive, sweetly feminine (as opposed to a feminist trained competitor and male impersonator) third-worlder who respects a man simply for being a man and is perfectly contented to leave the decision making to him. This man has instantly become a prince. His looks or his age don't seem to matter. And he may not even have a job! To the newly arrived, unemployment benefits seem like manna from heaven. And if he has a half-way decent job, he's a king! How different this is to the scalding experiences he may have had with the 'liberated' white woman. As the racially aware constitute only a small minority, the majority still in thrall to the mind-benders, our man has the icing on his cake provided by virtue of the schoolboy-star awarded for being a certified 'non-racist'. A sad irony here though is that the submissive, obedient third-worlder, once out of her natural habitat, doesn't always stay that way on learning the ways of the modern Australian woman.

And the female race-deserter? How would her profile look? Prolonged observation shows that she is not particularly attractive. She has either given up on attracting a member of her own race or is so embittered she is on the rebound not only from a man but from an entire race of men. It is well known that women are vulnerable to the 'stranger syndrome', that is simply that the unfamiliar is more tempting than the familiar. This may have served an evolutionary purpose in that, for 98% of the history of the human race, the stranger came from the village in the next valley and would have been a fresh addition to a localised and possibly somewhat stagnating gene-pool. Obviously, when the mystique of the stranger extends not to the next village but to countries many hours jet flight away, the gene-pool is not simply being refreshed - it is being destroyed.

No doubt also featuring in the psyche of the woman who turn her back on her own race is the want and need of the female of the species, from little girl to the old woman, to be 'good', whatever is deemed to be 'good' at any given time. Not for nothing has she been termed 'God's police'. And given that racism is bad, and anti racism, no better exemplified than by race-mixing, is 'good', here is society's seal of approval laid on with a trowel, society here meaning those equally deluded.

What of the offspring of parents of different races - those once called half-breeds, but now in the age of the euphemism, called 'those of mixed race'. There is unfortunately here a paucity of studies done. However, that does not prevent one from attempting to arrive at a conclusion via the method of inductive reasoning, where strong probability must suffice when iron-clad proof remains elusive. When two worlds developed over millenia of time collide in the psych of a single individual it would be reasonable to assume that a certain degree of confusion is the result. Straddling two worlds, where does one belong? Why is one so different to either parent and a possible step brother or sister? Why is one so different, period? When a person of mixed race who is born in Australia is constantly asked the question: 'where are you from?', how is the frustration and anger contained?

Interestingly, when one contemplates the perennial problem of White/Aboriginal relations in Australia, one cannot help but be struck by the fact the 'problem' is mainly one between Whites and people who for probably 190 of 229 years of white settlement have been called half-breeds, most of whom are more white than black. It is within them and not full-bloods that an inextinguishable hatred burns. Should that not tell us something about the mental world of those from two worlds? But who really cares about the fate of those resulting from the coupling of racial strangers? If there is any damage done it is small price to pay for the creation of Utopia.

Which, my friends, bring us to the nub of the matter. Race-mixing throughout the Western, once predominantly White world is not something that has come about by chance or accident. It is all a part of bold, grand dream dreamt by romantics and idealists so frightened of and contemptuous of human reality that they are barely of this world. Their world is more a fairy tale land of chocolate cake and rainbows where all conflict has been abolished and perfect harmony prevails. Extremely difficult, I know, for the uninitiated to believe, what we are seeing now is the fruit of an agenda pushed fanatically and tirelessly for decades.

To these simple-minded sentimentalists, most of the world's problems have been caused by the white race. A cursory glance at world history is all that's needed to confirm this assertion. Look at all the great sins and then at who was responsible: slavery, colonialism, imperialism, the most devastating wars, attempted or actual genocide, invention of the most diabolical weapons (along with everything else) and of course, let us not forget the Holocaust. Underpinning all these atrocities is racism, which naturally was also invented by the white race (along with everything else). The ANSWER. It goes like this: racism is the greatest evil known to man. The white race is the father of racism. Ergo, in order for evil to be eliminated and good to rein supreme, the white race must be destroyed. All this, let it be remembered, when it is held to be gospel that there is really no such thing as race - it's just a figment of our imagination. No more graphic example could be given on what George Orwell called 'doublethink'.

But here now is the sweetest/bitterest irony of all. Assuming that the one-worlders achieve their goal of the destruction of the white race and the creation of the chimerical coffee coloured man, it will all have been in vain.

If the history of mankind is anything to go by, societies will always be stratified. To borrow the laconic words of CJ Dennis, 'it's 'ow a man is built'. If the experiences of countries subjected to extreme racial mixing such as India and Brazil are anything to go by, stratification will always be largely informed by shades of colour, the light rising to the surface, the dark sinking to the bottom (how many Tamils make it to Bollywood?), the evenly coffee coloured man therefore remaining an eternal mirage.

The great, fundamental flaw in in the scheme of the those who would dispose of the white race is that human nature is not simply plasticine in the hands of men who would be gods. It is immutable. This was the stumbling block of Karl Marx and his followers that led to the catastrophic mistake of Communism. That the same mistake is being made by the one-worlders is not altogether surprising that, stripped of the rags of the economic nonsense so beloved by old time Marxists, one finds a uniform cut from the same cloth, its wearer worshipping at the same alter of egalitarianism. Substitute race for class and the picture is complete.

That these people cannot live with the reality of inherent human inequality says more about them than their ideology. It says that their pathology is so severe, so beyond hope, that they must eventually be cut from the body of the human race like the cancer they are in order for there to be any hope at all of a recovery.

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