Monday, January 22, 2007


A few short years ago, a National Parks and Wildlife Service master plan suggested a touch of air-brushing to Australian history centred on Kurnell – rightly designated the birthplace of Australia as it once bore the boot-prints of one James Cook, master British navigator, upon his first contact with Australian soil.

With the stealth of a panther the suggested changes were presented as just a little sensible bringing up to date of something that fast moving social engineering and manufactured opinion was rendering just a bit an anachronism. It was ‘merely’ proposed that an anchor and flagpole be removed from the site of Cook’s landing. After all, notwithstanding that we are only a generation or so removed from when such a proposal would have caused unbridled outrage, we have ‘progressed’ so far from when Britannia ruled the waves and a golden age of Western civilization uplifted the world. This kind of progress could possibly be compared to the blazing ruin the self-satisfied revolutionary looks down upon.

Also slated for removal were introduced species of trees including the magnificent Norfolk Island pines. ‘The message’ of the pines and their companions, according to the plan, ‘is one of European domination over the Australian landscape’. So apparently the European domination of the Australian landscape was in fact a mass hallucination lasting more than two hundred years.

We really needed to be returning to the indigenous type of vegetation so redolent of Australia au natural. (Are we deciphering the code yet? If not, perhaps it should be added that the offending flagpole supported an Australian flag above a NSW and Aboriginal flag.) But why stop there? Why not remove that nearby unsightly oil refinery and reintroduce the thick scrub that would have all but pinned Cook and his men to the water line.

But enough of this pussyfooting. Here’s the guts of the matter: again according to the plan, ‘The initial message is one of European arrival by boat, not years of occupation by Aboriginal people.’ The planners were evidently off their medication. Let’s see if we can navigate a passage through their dangerous mental pathology. The site of a major historical event which resulted in the birth of a dynamic, modern nation should not be commemorated as such. Rather, the site should be commemorated as a place where hunter- gatherers crouched in the bushes and watched an event taking place that should be quietly forgotten. Ergo, the site should be commemorated as a place where once upon a time an unknown number of people crouched in the bushes.

This entire nonsense can only begin to make a modicum of sense if seen in the context of European settlement as invasion, which of course itself is a nonsense. Interestingly, the teary-eyed ones who subscribe to the invasion theory apparently see no contradiction in happily enjoying all the benefits of living in Australia. One may reasonably ask, however, to see the courage of their convictions. If invasion, then isn’t their presence here illegitimate and shouldn’t they return to the land of their evil invading ancestors. But no, they wear their hypocrisy as lightly as the emperor’s new clothes.

The National Parks and Wildlife planners have for the time being been driven back into their boxes by raised voices of protest that should have been a howl. But be warned, they will be back. Just like those who imagine Australia would be free and independent as a republic, they will simply keep returning with their outrageous insult until the people get it ‘right’. Democracy for these types is when you agree with them.

It would be wrong though to dismiss this phenomenon as simply annoying foolishness, even though the perpetrators we see out in the open may themselves be just ‘useful idiots’. If we remind ourselves that those masters of the universe, the globalisers, see the nation state as an impediment to their grand plan of world domination, we may be able to see the erasing of our history in a different light. It’s been said that a nation without history is like a man with amnesia – pretty damned useless. It may also be worth noting that the collapse of every civilization has been preceded by a collapse in a people’s belief system – their faith and belief in themselves, their self-confidence, their culture and their values which of course includes seeing their heritage as worthy of transmission into the future.

It may of course be all coincidence. Perhaps there is no grand plan. Perhaps as Spengler saw it, a civilization is the equivalent of an organism, that is, it experiences birth, grows lusty and strong, then declines, withers and dies. Yes, perhaps it’s all apart of a natural process.

However, on the other hand, if there is a grand plan to convert nation states into branch offices of the global economy, histories will have to be rewritten. Moreover, rest assured that if this darkest of scenarios is being in fact played out, our descendants, being pretty much a lost, frightened tribe surrounded by a hostile world, will have little to no knowledge of the history that led to their situation.

As the writer and prophet extraordinaire, George Orwell, put it: ‘those who control the present, control the past.. Those who control the past, control the future.’

For those who may wish to delve deeper:

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