Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A SHORT HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA: How a Continent Was Won and Almost Lost

IT WAS a shimmering dream -- a dream that was for a short time realized, and then tragically allowed to fade: a continent for a people and a people for a continent. In one of history's brighter moments, the British Empire, the greatest ever known and wearing the zenith of Western civilization like a crown, cast a far flung outpost into the deeper reaches of the Pacific -- an eighteenth century equivalent to a colony on the Moon.

The only previous human habitation comprised scattered bands of nomadic hunter-gatherers numbering around 300,000 in total with only the barest minimum of social organization. The descendants of these people claim as their most impressive achievement a 40,000 year long 'occupation.' That indeed is a long period for time to stand still. Whites quickly went to work taming a most inhospitable and unforgiving land. In less than a human life span, these convicts, soldiers, free settlers, administrators and adventurers had transplanted the civilization of their former homelands so successfully it was a perfect outgrowth.

Not more than a century after the first fleet of tall ships glided into what was to become known as Sydney Harbour, the country was enjoying close to the highest standard of living in the world. It had become in fact 'the working man's paradise.' The term, 'the lucky country,' originally coined by a bitter cynic, seemed to fit so well it came to be innocently accepted as well meant. Luck, gold and sudden fortunes, however, formed a minuscule part of the story. The remainder was written in sweat, blood, grief, despair and unconquerable spirit. Gold in fact attracted a solid proportion of bad luck in the form of the original wave of Asian invasion.

Notwithstanding whatever plans British overlords might have had in terms of cheap, easily managed non-White labour, it was on the goldfields that it was emphatically decided by the social class closest to this sun-blazed earth of Australia that this would be a White man's land. The pitched battles that ensued between White and Yellow (and for which we are told we must now hang our heads in everlasting shame) ensured commonsense prevailed in regard to radically different races attempting to live within the same polity. Incidentally, the existence of a southern continent had been known throughout Asia for centuries, but its exploration and settlement had obviously not been considered worth the trouble. Why not wait until someone else had done the spadework?

A strong, well organized working class gave birth to the Labor Party as a means of protecting its interests. This meant most urgently raising whole planks of its platform as a barricade to non-White immigration. The de facto 'White Australia Policy' was thus born. Etched into the Australian psyche was a fear and loathing of 'the Yellow peril.' And it was not an unfounded fear. As if to eradicate the slightest possible doubt about who now truly occupied -- and thus owned -- this land, a mortal threat from the north ensured that the blood and treasure spent in parrying it sealed the matter of ownership for evermore. Or should have. This was an unspoken sacred pact between those who remained and those who had unhesitatingly, unselfishly let slip their hold on life so that their nation might live: a nation in the true sense of the word, held together by -- to quote one of our early and visionary statesmen -- 'a crimson thread.'

The excitement, euphoria and relief, not to mention hubris, attending being on the winning team in history's greatest cataclysm blinded us for many years to just what a pyrrhic victory it had been in perhaps the most avoidable war ever fought. Perhaps being willfully blind, we could not see the chickens unleashed by being on the same side as international Communism coming home to roost. With the needless deaths of 55 million people, the cultural treasure of Europe in smouldering ruins, the rubble of two Japanese cities glowing radioactively and international Communism on a rampage, the wartime propaganda machine spewing out its lies about the 'just' war could never be turned off. Indeed, for over sixty years the foul nature of the vanquished, and far and away that of the 'anti-Semitic' German section, has been fortified to a point where, in the minds of many, no blacker evil could exist this side of hell.

Uncomfortably though, we came to see that many of the now-hated characteristics that had typified the now-crushed fascists lived on in ourselves. This process of moral inventory was aided by the 'chosen' ones whose perennial job it is to point out the faults of their 'cattle.' Hating ourselves became a moral imperative There was, for example, our sense of racial supremacy, even, God forbid, our own brand of 'anti-Semitism.' There was oppression, injustice, 'male chauvinism,' and even something the Germans in their mouth-frothing rabidity hadn't gotten around to giving a name to -- 'homophobia'!

And there was nationalism: the well-spring from which in logical sequence, they tell us, flows false pride, ethnocentricity, hatred, war, extermination, genocide, and the genocide that would render all others pale by comparison: the Holocaust! The only rational response? Self-loathing. Thus began national and racial suicide. Interestingly, every poison supposedly swirling about the Right end of the political spectrum could find its antidote conveniently available at the opposite extreme.

The all-pervasive power of Communism was so total that even when its death was officially pronounced, it would reincarnate in a form that would dwarf its earlier existence. It may be more accurate to say it transmogrified. Marx would no doubt have been delighted to have been able to see his beloved dialectic actually coming to life, but at a level a U2-flight above his own modest predictions. Forget bourgeoisie + proletariat = Communism. Try Communism + Capitalism (or rather, finance capitalism) = Globalism. Now, instead of the chicken-feed game of transferring wealth between classes within a state, we could move into the main draw of transferring wealth between nations.

Nationalism and nation states may put a monkey wrench into this operation, but no problem. Simply eliminate them both. And while the masses of the world participate in a race to the bottom, a fabulously rich and powerful but tiny clique become the planet's Politburo. Those who lust after and roll like pigs in the intoxicating power of bending others to their will know that even the most evil and egregious deeds can be accomplished by gradualism. Not for nothing is Fabius, the slow acting but deadly Roman, the hero of Fabian socialists. Forming the thin edge of a catastrophically destructive wedge, the first waves of non-British immigrants -- albeit fellow Europeans fleeing their devastated homelands -- were warily accepted into Australia. The near invasion by the Japanese had shaken us to our very foundations and rammed home the reality of our situation: a sparsely populated continent with teeming millions of envious non-Whites on our doorstep.

"Populate or perish", was the cry. Ironically, it first issued from the throat of an extremely nationalistic, first class member of the old and rapidly fading school of Labor. Given the need for bolstered population in defence terms -- although sheer numbers were becoming a rapidly outmoded factor in the face of exponentially growing technology -- and the need for labour to accomplish the visionary projects that were a hallmark of a country undergoing a huge confidence boost, as well as the assimilability of our racially closely-related new members, the immigration scheme of the early post war years was a remarkable success. Or so it seemed.

Moving like a silent undercurrent beneath the glowing success stories were growing and shifting dynamics that were soon to thrust a dagger at the heart of the Australian nation. The crystallizing threat, paradoxically more lethal than that recently launched from Tokyo that had originally engendered it was given a name: Multiculturalism. Richly ironic though was that it had not been the 'multicultural' new arrivals who had demanded, agitated for, or apparently even wanted this policy. It was do-gooder, native-born 'liberals' behind the push to counter what they perceived as the tyranny of the majority robbing the newly arrived of their full rights as residents of the land of 'the fair go.' Why should these unsuspecting innocents be forced to learn English, assimilate or even integrate, and jettison their rich cultures? Why in fact shouldn't they be made to feel that they'd never left home (or fled) in the first place? This was cruel and unusual punishment of the first order. This of course led to, as even those with the most frosted up crystal ball could have predicted, ghettoisation.

Even some of those who had been previously happily assimilated became unassimilated and moved to the ghetto. Not to forget our most cruelly victimized minority group, the Aborigine: he became a prince amongst 'equals of the persecuted.' Sufficiently softened up by the self-flagellation we'd been invited to participate in, it was then decided that Australia simply wasn't multicultural enough. Evidently there were still far too many people looking roughly similar. But what luck! The first 'boat people' from Vietnam had just arrived. Corresponding with this eventuality and the resulting low murmur of unwelcoming resentment, the word 'racist' began to be flung as if from an exploding nail bomb, and with equally apparent ability to silence the recipient.

The art of blaming the victim would soon need an opulent gallery to house it. In 1984 an unassuming University professor was indiscreet enough to opine that Asian immigration was getting a little ahead of public acceptance. He was summarily hounded out of his profession but his observation had, for a time at least, let a genie out of a bottle. Our social engineers went immediately into damage control. Even though it was now being claimed that Australia was now a part of Asia -- at least by our elite if by no one else, least of all Asian leaders -- and the term 'Asianisation' was now being used openly by Australian betrayers, in a breathtaking display of enforced doublethink, we were assured that the flow of Asian immigrants would 'have no discernible effect on the nation's racial makeup.'

Twenty three years later, walking any day through the centre of Sydney, one could be forgiven for mistaking the location for an Asian city. Could it be possible that we were misled? For a less insipid term, try betrayed, deceived, held in contempt, treated like fools, led to the slaughter house and nationally violated, all on a scale that could only have been perpetrated by the lying, perverted filth spewed up by what we laughingly call our 'democracy.'

Worse, this has been done in such a way -- fiendishly cleverly one might be tempted to concede if ignoring the awesome machinery of persuasion and mind control available to the deceivers -- that huge numbers of those deceived believe that this is what they themselves wanted! In The Anatomy of Power, John Kenneth Galbraith states: "There is a successful expression of power when the individual submits to the purposes of others not only willingly but with a sense of attendant virtue. The supreme expression, of course, is when the person does not know that he or she is being controlled. This, at the highest level, is the achievement of conditioned power; belief makes submission not a conscious act of will but a normal, natural manifestation of the approved behavior. Those who do not submit are deviant." And so it is with huge numbers of the native-born population -- joyfully willing to lie down and die for some 'greater good' that has never really been spelt out, but must be very good indeed given how amenable we are to remove ourselves to make way for it. A grinning madness now stalks this land, a land for which, two generations earlier, men unhesitatingly hurled themselves into eternity for the sake of its preservation as a home for their people; a home which is now being given away without a shot being fired.

Only a people who have been grotesquely mentally disfigured would do this. In a Down-under now truly upside down, it is the brave, the defiant, and the sane who are seen as mentally and morally suspect -- the 'deviant.' Abstract thinking is apparently not a favoured past time of most people. And to extrapolate from what is happening now to project into the future, even just a little way, requires this type of thinking. So the herd continues in its prepared rut: as it is now is as it will always be. Why do evil racists spread so much 'hate' and endanger multicultural peace, love and harmony by fanning fears of what might happen?

This line of thinking is milk and honey to multiculturalists, Australian politicians in particular -- and cyanide to those determined to hold on to what their ancestors created. It is fuel for the illusion, created by the propaganda masters, that multiculturalism and Asianisation will not fundamentally alter a country that is in fact being transformed with fantastic speed and fanatical energy. When Australians turn on their television sets, they see, reassuringly, a profusion of White faces. The citadels of power are still manned by Whites. The White faces of our sporting heroes still beam from victory daises. Very comforting. As it is … But like some gigantic, loathsome deep sea monster, a new Australia is rising inexorably toward this thin, White surface. The day the sun strikes this thing from below will be the day the Great Southland is lost to the White man forever. A little sand remains, though, in the hourglass still. Not much, but enough in which to do what has to be done. If it is not done, at some point in the future, the mirth of other men will attend the legend of a weak and foolish people who gave away their own homeland.

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